Four exciting original plays from Boston, Dallas and Houston
Fest O’ Theatre 2017
April 15, 2017 – 2:15PM
MCL Grand – Performance Hall (
100 N Charles St
Lewisville, TX 75057
Blazing into its third year, DFW-Play is proud to announce its first festival FEST O’ THEATRE on April 15, 2017. Our very own team and groups from out of town have come together to bring you a striking celebration of drama with a stellar array of artistes.
Fest O’ Theatre 2017 presents Boro Holo Ja, an award winning play being staged by Off-Kendrik from Boston. The play has its roots in Sukumar Ray’s (Satyajit Ray’s dad) Bengali classic “Ha Ja Ba Ra La”, which in turn was inspired by Lewis Carrol’s “Alice in Wonderland”. In Ray’s original tale a young, unnamed child, similar to Alice, falls asleep under a shady tree and wakes up to a world occupied by talking animals, unidentifiable creatures and strange humans. Boro Holo Ja is a Bengali anagram of Ha Ja Ba Ra La, but unlike the nonsensical title of the original, the anagram spells out “Ja Comes of Age”. The young child of Ha Ja Ba Ra La, now named Ja, is currently in New York. He appears to be a daily jobber in today’s rat race, a slave to the capitalist machine, but is he truly? This play follows Ja in his plight through a world inhabited by demanding bosses, slick consultants, lawyers seeking frivolous lawsuits, media savvy entrepreneurs, and fast talking hedge fund managers. Through a series of episodes, the play presents a satirical look at today’s capitalistic society. The style of the play falls within the theater of the absurd, and is reminiscent of works by Stoppard, Beckett, Ionesco, Pinter and others.
Off-Kendrik is an ‘independent’ Bangla theater group in the greater Boston area. Several members of the group trace their theater inspiration to the’ group theater’ movement in Kolkata. The group produces plays based on ‘original’ writing by group members or adaptation from Bangla literature including poetry. Our work can be found at
Fest O’ Theatre is fortunate to host MIST drama group from Houston. A short synopsis about the drama from MIST:
ইংরাজি ২০১৪, শারদীয়া আজকাল পত্রিকায় প্রকাশিত হয় নীলাঞ্জন চট্টোপাধ্যায়ের ছোটগল্প ‘কাগজ কুঁচি’ – কল্পনা, বাস্তব, পরাবাস্তব আর কাব্যের অলীক নাট্য। হৈমন্তী, শুভ আর সমরেশ – এলেবেলে তিনজন, বাষ্পবিন্দুর মতোই অনিশ্চিত তারা আবার জলকণার মত নিশ্চিত। শুভর দিদি হৈমন্তী, বাবা মায়ের আদরের হৈমন্তী, সমরেশের হৈমন্তী, ভীত নারী হৈমন্তী, অসহায় হৈমন্তী, নাটকের নাম হৈমন্তী।
মঞ্চে মানাস (সাহা), সৌভিক (ঘোষ) আর শর্মিষ্ঠা – হৈমন্তীর কথা বলবেন, সেই গল্পে আলো ফেলবেন রাহুল (চক্রবর্তী ) আর আবহ তৈরী করবেন বলাকা (সাহা)। সামগ্রিক পরিকল্পনা ও পরিবেশনা MIST.
DFW Play, our hometown independent drama group, will present ‘Black Dots’ at Fest O’ Theatre. Written and directed by Rajarshi Bhattacharyya and choreographed by Anindita Das, “Black Dots”, is a bold and novel play that navigates the tricky boundaries that separate social norms and suppressed desires, the haunted present and the harrowing past of five incarcerated women in a detention center. These women, with a faint touch of iconic mythologies, have their poignant past to narrate.
Black Dots presented the glitz, glamor, poignancy, and corruption within the closed walls of a women’s detention center. We are proud to bring this play to our hometown Dallas on April 15th.