we tell compelling stories through acts, music & movements

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about usget to know us

DFW Play, a home for Bengali and Indian theatre enthusiasts in Dallas, is a multidisciplinary arts organization founded in 2015 and led by Artistic Director Raj Bhattacharyya. We produce classical to contemporary stage drama and artistic works in Bengali, Hindi and English.

Our mission is to create thought-provoking theater experiences for actors and audiences, to inspire young people to be curious, confident and creative and to preserve the rich cultural heritage of ethnic immigrant communities of Indian, Bengali and South Asian descent.


got artistic bent?you belong here

We are performing artists.

We are independent producer.

We are a caring community.

A passion for performing arts binds us all together. As we go about our normal lives and day jobs, what burns within is a need for expression. Our backgrounds are tied to Indian culture and aesthetics, but our experiences are also very much American. It is that nostalgia of our past, the sensibility of our present, and the enigma of the future that we bring to our new home. We create, we engage, we entertain, and we inspire. And, most importantly, we put theatre at the center of it all.

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